クリーニング リブレではこれまで、様々な国内外のアーティストが着るライブ衣装のクリーニングを手がけてきました。
そんなお仕事の中で、何度も試行錯誤しながら開発したのが、衣類のアンチエイジングを可能にするリブレ ヨコハマ ランドリーディタージェントです。
ヤシ由来の洗浄成分と化粧品にも使用されている保湿/柔軟成分であるアミノ酸を高濃縮してベストな配合率でブレンド。 洗浄力を高めると同時に、衣類の縮みを防ぎ、柔らかさを与えます。香料は、精油をベースに洗濯後もいい香りが残るように化粧品グレードの香料を配合し、製品の安定性を向上させています。
To date, Livrer Yokohama has dry cleaned costumes worn by a variety of domestic and foreign artists for their live performances. Costumes used for live performances are often made with complex patterns and delicate materials, making them very difficult to clean without exceptional experience, knowledge, and skills. After taking these kinds of costumes into our care, we need to carefully wash away difficult-to-remove stains such as sweat, odors, and foundation while also taking great care so as not to damage any delicate fabrics.
Utilizing this expertise that we at Livrer Yokohama have cultivated over the years, we have developed a laundry detergent that does not need a fabric softener.
A gentle detergent made by a dry-cleaning shop. A luxurious blend of palm-derived cleaning ingredients, and amino acids and amino silicone, which are cosmetic grade moisturizing and softening ingredients.
This detergent has superior cleaning properties while also softening and preventing clothes from shrinking.
For fragrance, it uses a base of natural essential oils to which synthetic fragrances have been added so that the pleasant fragrance remains after washing. We are also making improvements to the product's stability. It is a natural laundry detergent that can be used safely, even by those with sensitive skin. We also use this detergent to clean costumes worn by famous domestic and foreign artists, such as members of the Cirque du Soleil's "Totem."